This site reminded me of a metabolic pathway map (cue the groans from anyone who had to memorize one of those), in that it took a bit of time to assimilate all of the information presented. That’s because Biochem4Schools is an umbrella site, meaning that its only content is a compilation of biochemistry-related websites. Not that I’m complaining—there are a LOT of great links. The only problem is that there are so many links that it takes some patience to sift through them. The information is divided into topics, which is helpful, but the site still requires dedication if you hope to explore all that it has to offer. Biochem4Schools was developed by The Biochemical Society in order to bring the complexities of biochemistry to us mere mortals. In this, they certainly succeed in providing a hub teeming with information. The next time you find yourself with some time to surf the net, and your unyielding curiosity for transport processes requiring ATP is getting the best of you, I’d recommend this page.