A self-described education resource to promote bioscience literacy, ActionBioscience is a product of the American Institute of Biological Sciences. The site is well along it way to achieving its aim, with seven hyperlinked bioscience challenges – Biodiversity, Environment, Genomics, Biotechnology, Evolution, New Frontiers, and Education. Under each of those headings resides dozens of outstandingly written articles on the subject. I particularly enjoyed (and learned a lot) reading articles on speciation and biodiversity (interview with E.O. Wilson), separating “fundamentalist science” from “science” (by Tim Berra), and looking for life on Mars and beyond, by Abigail Salyers. This is not the kind of site where you come looking for a quick fix of information. Instead, the numerous, well-written articles make for excellent, informative reading. Give yourself an afternoon or an evening to enjoy this one.