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Sense about science

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Paul McCartney's ex, Heather Mills, says that meat putrifies in your stomach for 40 years. Roger Moore (James Bond actor) claims that foie gras causes Alzheimer's disease. Celebrities get a disproportionately large amount of media coverage and therefore such statements can be anything from annoying to dangerous. Battling outrageous claims in the media is the Sense About Science page, which gives scientists a platform to rebut nonsense while educating the public. Created as an independent charitable trust in the U.K., Sense About Science's focus is broader than simply dealing with celebrities. With facts on its side, it isn't afraid to wade into deep waters like criticizing the Prince of Wales for selling a dubious detoxification product. The next time someone you know tells you that they like organic food because it doesn't have chemicals, point them to Sense About Science.
