I haven’t covered a totally fun/silly site in a while, so I guess it is time to do so (or so my justification for including a weird site goes). Iowa State’s Tasty Insect Recipe is one of the more unusual sites I’ve covered here. Dealing, perhaps disturbingly, with the prurient interest of eating bugs, the site has been noticed by many people besides me, including Jay Leno, as seen on the opening page. Like all good sites, the Tasty Insect Recipe site covers all aspects of its topic, from providing specific recipes (Bug Blox, Banana Worm Bread, Chocolate Chirpie Chip Cookies, Chocolate Covered Grasshoppers, etc.) to providing nutritional information, and listing at least one source of insects for cooking (grubco.com). I’m not kidding on this one—a site you’ve got to see to believe.