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Calflora - Floral Sense

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Combine the work of numerous volunteers and one part-time paid engineer and you'll probably be hard-pressed to duplicate the functionality of Calflora, the online go-to source of information about California plants. Considering the broad range of environments in the most populous U.S. state, the matter of comprehensive coverage is not a trivial one. There is a lot of territory here! Calflora meets the challenge of managing its information with sophisticated search functions that give users the ability to locate desired data in several ways. A standard search box linked to user-definable parameters sits on the opening page and helps users track down the plants they need. For those whose approach is more visual in nature, the numerous images are great and the map-based retrieval system provides an interface that anyone can understand. Despite the daunting pile of data it has to manage, Calflora succeeds.
